Shared Risks Require Shared Solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the business environment for all of us. Now more than ever, RANE’s ability to provide access to world-class expertise and insights is critical to ensuring business continuity and resiliency for our clients.

Our community-based solutions provide a scalable approach to address a range of risks and mitigate threats. Insights from across our community feed our platform which provides efficient access to structured intelligence, expertise, and tools.

Join the millions of members who are tapping into the collective wisdom of the world’s largest community of risk professionals.

Every member benefits from the contributions and insights of other members – this “network effect” is a powerful force multiplier to augment your internal resources and extend your personal contacts.

Stay informed - with actionable information, critical analysis, and commentary from across the globe, enabling you to take a more proactive approach on emerging risks.

Be better prepared – with shared community insights, best practices from industry peers, and access to world-class expertise, including medical and infectious disease specialists from the RANE Network.

Respond with confidence – RANE is your trusted partner and single-source gateway to pre-screened risk experts and service providers who can help you take action.

RANE in Action

Individuals and organizations turn to RANE for cost-effective access to risk intelligence and expertise across four main categories of interconnected risk.

Safety + Security

Pandemic Response and Business Continuity

Global retail company dealing with world-wide impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic and looking for best practices to ensure the physical and psychological health of their franchise work force as well as the mental health of corporate employees working remotely.

RANE conducted a briefing session with two world-renowned medical experts from the RANE Network who provided best practices for keeping employees healthy and engaged, and behaviors managers should be looking out for. This information directly informed the company’s internal policies, information for employees, and guidelines for franchise owners.

The company was able to take steps to ensure the safety of their personnel during a crisis, with immediate access to accurate information and expertise to address a range of issues as well as ongoing expert support during a fluid and evolving situation.

Cyber + Information

Ensuring Cyber Resiliency in an Evolving Risk Landscape

A global technology firm inquired about addressing known cybersecurity gaps in their network infrastructure, particularly in light of a workforce now primarily working from home.

RANE completed a cyber assessment to gain a clearer picture of the client’s overall cyber health. Remediation plans were developed for identified vulnerabilities and training was conducted for remote staff on cybersecurity best practices.

Peace of mind in addressing the immediate concerns over remote work, and an itemized list of issues enabled the client to prioritize and improve their cyber hygiene over time.

Geopolitical Intelligence

Critical Support for Companies with Global Supply Chains

Manufacturing company with operations hub in China looking to more broadly understand the supply chain impacts of the current crisis and how global markets will be re-shaped over the coming months.

RANE analysts created most-likely, best case, and worst case scenario assessments tailored to the company and based on the medical, governance, and economic forces likely to determine the pandemic’s path. RANE also produced ongoing monitoring briefs of civil, political, and social unrest in key markets which could put additional stress on their manufacturing hub in China.

The company received unbiased, actionable guidance for both the current and expected future operating environments, with ongoing monitoring for risks that might impact their business and inform their go-forward growth and investment strategies.

Legal, Regulatory, + Compliance

Stepping Up Global Due Diligence and Screening Efforts

Mid-sized private equity firm looking at opportunistic investments in high-risk jurisdictions where corruption and bribery are significant concerns. Working to accelerate diligence timelines due to current competitive bidding environment while facing internal compliance resource constraints from budget pressures related to coronavirus pandemic.

RANE provided comprehensive due diligence background checks on entities and principals, with a particular focus on allegations or news related to corruption or bribery. Final recommendations helped the firm mitigate existing issues, including development of policies and procedures to ensure FCPA compliance and creation of an “early warning system” to flag global adverse media and material local developments.

RANE was able to augment the firm’s internal team by helping them identify, mitigate, and manage issues in real time, while providing rapid deployment of subject matter experts and ongoing risk monitoring of the issues.